The Face of God: What Enoch Saw in Heaven presents science's controversial positions on the mysteries of nature. To clear up any misunderstanding, scientists investigate the beginning of the universe, the creation of the stars, planets and galaxies, and the imponderable origins of life.
Relying on scientific findings, The Face of God trails our ancestors as they migrated from Africa over the centuries and claimed the four corners of the globe for themselves. Then, after locating the cradle of civilization, the book probes into the source of writing that variously foreshadows the birth of nations. A deep dive into the background of preeminent historians, scholars, and theologians provides insight into the formation of organized religion from its shamanic humble beginnings to the present. We find, however, that a strong instinct to believe in supernatural powers isn't the only impetus behind religion's staying power; a vital benefit, that of our survival and the propagation of the human race, is. And tucked away behind the faith instinct, and intertwined with our evolutionary purpose to procreate, the book finds the true meaning of life.
The Face of God should spur readers to aspire to achieve their full potential, thus enhancing the quality of their lives and making them whole. The book will pave the way for them to come to terms with nature and live in harmony with it and in peace with one another. Through DNA testing, if no objections are raised, they could find it worthwhile to trace their ancestors back some generations and add to the family tree. Above all, however, although they would never admit it, they'll recognize that they are divine, especially as Adam, our ancestor, was a son of God. Lk 3:38. In other words, God is us.; Barnes & Noble; IngramSparks.