About the Author

Henry Kakembo, M.D.

The author, Henry Kakembo, M.D. is a retired family practice physician from Baltimore, Maryland. He went to medical school at Makerere University, Uganda, to Chelsea College, London, for a masters and at Bonn University to complete a doctorate. Afterwards, he interned at Howard University in Washington, D.C.  In The Face of God: What Enoch Saw in Heaven, Kakembo adopts a scientific approach to address mankind’s desire to solve the mystery of life, focusing on the multifaceted aspect of human spiritual beliefs, including the sources of those beliefs, the benefits and rewards for holding those beliefs, and the role heredity plays in their origination and staying power. He offers keen scientific insight into the nature of the supernatural phenomena that are the backbone of these beliefs and religious practices, and the ability of such beliefs to stand the test of time.